
Writing on the Walls

My mother once told me she fueled my creativity and it wasn’t until I arrived at State I fully understood what she meant. As a child I would be found in one of two places, at my new art desk I had received for Christmas or in some part of our suburban home coloring on the white walls. Although I had always known is wasn’t acceptable to write on the walls, I needed a place, an empty canvas so I could create exactly what was in my head; A chance to re create just a glimpse of God’s creation. My mother never once argued against my wall murals, for she knew I was born with a magnificent gift, a gift for art, and she by no means was going to stifle my creative spirit. It is in this innocence as a child people find their spiritual gifts, that one thing they were somehow innately born to do. As it so happens I grew to adore art, and every chance I had would be devoted to creating and designing, always knowing my inspiration was God’s awesome creation.

Charcoal and Oils.  Mark Malek 2011
In his writings Think! Before It’s to Late, Edward DeBono discusses whether or not design thinking, the creative spirit, is innately given or logically achieved. DeBono states, “Since creativity cannot be explained or achieved logically, it must be some mysterious talent that only some people have and others can only envy.” From my experience DeBono is right in saying it’s a talent, which some possess and others do not. Just as NBA basketball players rise to the top, and others find their happiness in anesthesiology, God has each given us a special talent, and it is how we use that talent, which shapes whether or not designing, creating, is all worth it. Through my past I have learned that those without a purpose for what they do, live their lives for no greater purpose other than themselves. I have chosen to use my creative spirit for a higher purpose, the purpose of bringing God all the glory. In 1 Peter 4:10-11, Peter, a disciple of Christ, states “As each has received a gift, employ it for one another (or serve it up to one another) as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who utters oracles of God; whoever renders service, as one who renders it by the strength which God supplies; in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ...” My tendency to create is nothing that needs to be studied, for it is a spiritual blessing I have received by God’s unmerited grace. While others search for an answer to creativity, in order to obtain for themselves a talent, which they were not given, they quickly find a roadblock built by selfishness. Success is not measured by a false persona of achievement, but by what someone gives back to others wholeheartedly. It is when I am at my weakest that God is strong in me, and can use my gifts for the greater will He has created for my life.
So I find myself at State, majoring at Graphic Design. If I think to the future and imagine myself living for myself, I cave under uncertainty. However, because I believe God has given me this ability to create, I can move forward, knowing that from the innocence of a child, I have grown into a mature skilled artist whose greatest desire is the furthering not of my own kingdom of wealth, but the everlasting throne of the Most High.

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